At the heart of EXTECH SOLUTION PVT. LTD. lies an uncompromising quest for perfection.
From the beginning, we have set a quality standard through our expertise in the field of repairing of Electrical machine.
Since our inception, we have worked with some of the most respected organization in India.
Taking our vision one step forward EXTECH SOLUTION PVT. LTD. has made technical association with most reputed organisations like CG Power & Industrial Solutions limited and Laxmi Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd.
As we embark into a new phase of technology and excellence, we aim to introduce to our clients a new level of quality, perfection and reliability that promises to be long life and efficiency of machine in their industries.
Our Infrastructure
Well equipped 2000 Sq.ft and 850 Sq.ft. work shop floor with 10 and 5 ton overhead crane facility.
Baking chambers – 8ft. X 6ft. X 5ft. – fully automated Heat Chamber with temperature rise capacity up to 300˚C, which help us to – * Remove moisture completely from Winding portion. * Dry up good quality Varnish insulation.
Motor and Alternator Test bench which help us to * No Load & Load trial run at rated voltage and other tests as per IS norms at our premises which ensures Trouble free operation. No load & Load test results enable us to take corrective measures, if required, for better performance.